Wednesday 12 June 2013

The Rude house guest.

picture the scene.

they come to your door, you let them in.

they walk into your living room, and their lip curls in disgust.....

they spot a picture from your wedding.
"Wow.  your dress was ugly and unflattering. and your hair, what were you thinking?"

"those ornaments are tacky"

"the carpet is rank. when was the last time you vacuumed"

"I don't know if I've ever told you this, but you have terrible dress sense"

"family photo? is that your Mum? I can tell because you've both got the same big nose"

"oh, I was glancing at your CD collection. you have awful taste in music"

anyone okay with this? would anyone out there behave like that when they go into someones house?
I would like to hope not.

so why is

"oh yuck, are those rats?" okay.

YES they're rats. and I love them from the bottom of my heart. you couldn't get more personal than expressing disgust at those that I love. how utterly rude can people be? were they not brought up to have any manners whatsoever?

why is it that people that were raised better than to tell you that your skirt makes your bum look big, or that your new haircut is dodgy, or that they don't like your decor, think it's okay to be nasty about something even more personal? your family

I will admit, I am not the biggest fan of cats. if I visit someone with cats, I do not express disgust at their pet. even if it's fat, sluggish and hopping with fleas, and there's a whiff of litter tray in the air. and some cats, when I get to know them, I quite like them.
why do I not react with disgust? because it's RUDE. I understand that to that person, that cat is a loved family member and I wouldn't say anything about them that could hurt their feelings.

hey, I'll even feign interest in pictures of someones baby, even if it has snot all over it's face, and looks like a fat, bald, old man. I'll try and find something flattering to say about their pride and joy. 

so why do people think it's okay with rats? do they think rat lovers don't have the same bond with their pets that other pet owners do? do they think that secretly, deep down, we know they're disgusting, and just like them despite that?


good manners cost nothing. if you are a guest in my home you don't get to say someone I love is disgusting. 

ever heard the expression "if you haven't got anything nice to say, don't say anything at all" ?

so if at any point you come to my house and say something horrible about my rats, the loves of my life, that bring joy to my day as soon as I walk into the room. that entertain me, cuddle up with me, and break my heart when they leave me...

then don't be shocked if I ask you where you got those hideous shoes.

Sunday 3 March 2013

which of these rights would you care to do without?

  • The Right to life
  • The Right to freedom from torture, inhuman or degrading treatment
  • The Right to liberty and security
  • The Right to freedom from slavery and forced labour. 
  • The Right to a fair trial
  • The Right to no punishment without law.
  • The Right to respect for your private and family life, home and correspondence
  • The Right to freedom of thought, belief and religion
  • The Right to freedom of expression
  • The Right to freedom of assembly and association
  • The Right to marry
  • The Right to protection from discrimination in respect of these rights and freedoms
  • The Right to peaceful enjoyment of your property
  • The Right to education
  • The Right to participate in free elections 

These rights are all currently under the protection of the Human Rights Act.
and yet now, these rights are under threat. The Conservative government considers them a threat. superfluous to the legal system.

imagine if any other country in the world was to take away protection of these rights by law. that country would be condemned, and considered really very backwards.

the media  is ranting and slathering like a rabid dog over the human rights act. I've evens seen it described on occasion as "the hated human rights act"
hated by who, exactly? who hates having their right to a fair trial protected by law. or their right to freedom from slavery, or their right to freedom of religion. perhaps they consider their right to participate in free elections, and vote as they see fit to be nothing more than a massive inconvenience. perhaps they would rather it were legal for them to be denied an education, or that they think it would be fairer if they could be arrested and imprisoned for disagreeing with the government in power, and to have no right to meet with others to protest against injustice where they see it.

the human rights act is there to protect us all, and yet, there are those that would like to see it abolished.

anyone in favour of this really ought to think about the enormity of what dignity and freedom they could be flushing down the toilet.